Questions to ask your Exhibition Stand Builder

Planning an exhibition can be an overwhelming task, but choosing the right stand builder can make all the difference. To ensure you get the best results, it’s crucial to ask the right questions.

Here are the essential questions to ask your exhibition stand builder:

1. What Experience Do You Have in Building Exhibition Stands?

Experience matters. Ask about the number of years they have been in the industry and the types of exhibitions they have worked on. Request to see a portfolio of previous projects to gauge the quality and style of their work.

Key Points:

Number of years in the industry

Types of exhibitions (industry-specific experience)

Portfolio and case studies

2. Can You Provide References or Testimonials from Previous Clients?

A reputable stand builder should have no issue providing references or testimonials. Reading about experiences of previous clients can give you insight into their reliability, creativity, and overall satisfaction with the service.

Key Points:

Client testimonials

Reviews on third-party platforms

3. What Services Do You Offer?

It’s essential to understand the full range of services offered. Ideally, you want a company that provides end-to-end services, including conceptualization, design, construction, logistics, installation, dismantling, and storage.

Key Points:

In-house or outsourced services

Post-event services (dismantling and storage)

4. How Do You Approach the Design Process?

The design process is crucial for creating an eye-catching and functional stand. Ask about their approach to understanding your brand, goals, and requirements. Ensure they incorporate your feedback and ideas into the final design.

Key Points:

Design methodology

Client involvement in the design process

Use of technology (e.g., 3D renderings)

5. What Materials and Techniques Do You Use?

Quality materials and innovative techniques ensure durability and aesthetic appeal. Ask about the materials they use and how they balance cost with quality. Inquire about sustainable options if environmental impact is a concern.

Key Points:

Types of materials used

Innovation and techniques

Sustainability practices

6. Can You Handle Logistics and On-Site Management?

Logistics can make or break your exhibition experience. Confirm if they manage transportation, setup, and on-site coordination. Having a team that handles these aspects ensures a smooth and stress-free setup.

Key Points:

Logistics and transportation

On-site management and coordination

Experience with the venue

7. What Are the Costs Involved and Payment Terms?

Transparency in pricing is critical. Get a detailed breakdown of costs and understand what is included in the quote. Clarify payment terms, including deposit amounts and schedules.

Key Points:

Detailed cost breakdown

Payment terms and schedules

Additional costs and contingencies

8. How Do You Ensure On-Time Delivery?

Timeliness is crucial in exhibitions. Ask about their track record for meeting deadlines and their contingency plans in case of unexpected delays.

Key Points:

Track record of on-time delivery

Project management processes

9. What Support Do You Offer During the Exhibition?

Having support during the exhibition can be invaluable. Inquire if they provide on-site assistance for any issues that might arise, and if they offer maintenance throughout the event.

Key Points:

On-site support availability

Maintenance services during the event

Emergency contact information

10. What Happens After the Exhibition?

Post-event services like dismantling and storage can save you time and hassle. Confirm if they provide these services and how they handle them.

Key Points:

Dismantling process

Storage options

Reusability of the stand for future events


Choosing the right exhibition stand builder is a critical step in ensuring your exhibition’s success. By asking these questions, you can gain a thorough understanding of their capabilities and ensure they are the right fit for your needs. A reliable and experienced stand builder will not only create a stunning stand but also provide comprehensive support throughout the entire process, making your exhibition experience seamless and successful.

Are you looking for an expert exhibition stand builder for your upcoming exhibition?
Speak to our team for a free consultation. Get in touch.